Thursday, February 08, 2007

Deep Thoughts With Steenbok

South Africa’s Wisest Village:

(In the spirit of the last few posts titles, I thought that I would compile some of the true gems of wisdom I hear in my village everyday. These are just the ones that have stuck in my head, for one reason or another.)

“If I could be president for a day, I would send half the women in Parliament packing. There’s too many of them, they should be at home cooking.” –Principal

“Hey Nomvula, you look nice today, you must have looked in a mirror this morning!” –Teacher

“Hey Nomvula, you look nice today…must be that week you spent with Bafana [the male volunteer down the road, all of us had just spent a week at training]!” –Teacher

“Where is the phonebook? I tell these people they need to keep track of the phonebook and make sure its always near the phone…we need the pages to smoke dagga [pot], they’re much thinner than newspaper.” –Teacher

“Wait, why are you laughing at us? Explain why ‘boys vs. girls’ is a bad debate topic.” –Teacher

“You know that when a learner gets sick and dies its because the teacher or principal went to a sangoma to curse them, right? And then the parents come, and they’re angry, and they charge us! And it’s the same if a woman’s husband dies, it is because she has gone to the sangoma. But if a husband’s wife dies, its okay, he has more.” –Principal.

And finally

"Unuka!!" [you smell!] - my 2 year old sister.

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