Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jezebel writes gooder than I do

"Having a man or group of men talk about your body while you're just trying to go about your business is not just annoying—it sends the message that you don't have the right to be left alone, which makes the streets feel less safe."

I like it when I come across a sentence that articulates perfectly something I've been trying to sort out in my own head for ages.  As much as I love living here, and most of the time loved living in South Africa, and had the time of my life travelling after peace corps -- the incessant cat calling and attention is maybe the absolute worst part about being a woman here.  And it makes you feel like a jerk, because nobody is actually harming you or threatening harm (at least. not overtly).  I think I need to think this through a little bit more, so I'll come back to it.  But in the meantime:

Read more:

(the article is about NYC, not Africa, but whatevs)

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