Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

So here's a cheesy story I like that I bet you've heard before:

There's a little boy walking down a beach, and the beach is covered in starfish, thousands of them, as far as the eye can see. The boy is picking them up, one at a time, and throwing them back into the ocean so that they don't dry out and die. A man comes along and starts laughing at the kid, "Why are you doing this? Look around! There's way too many starfish for one person to save. You will never be able to make a difference." The little boy just picks up another starfish, throws it in the water and says, "I made a difference to that one."

My dad once told me that that story makes him think of me, and it is literally the best thing another human being has even said to me.

Dad, it makes me think of you too. You inspire me constantly, from 400 miles away or 10,000. Happy Father's Day.

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