Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Everything is always 80%. But I don't care!

"I'd love the eggs benedict please.  Oh -- and fruit!  Do you have any fruit I could have on the side?"

"We have hashbrowns."


"Hashbrowns are potato."

"I think I'll just have the eggs benedict."


I've got my computer open... free wifi is running... the coffee doesn't suck...

This might be one of the top 10 best days ever.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just call me Safey McSaferson.

This is happening.

And this.

But...I'm fine.  I promise.  I've also checked in with friends at the University, and they're okay too.

I plan to spend my evening eating margarita cupcakes and playing trivial pursuit in my (safe, safe) house.  This is a fascinating historical moment to experience, however I don't think this blog is an appropriate place to explore that moment.  If you happen to be interested, feel free to email me.