Tuesday, January 02, 2007

And a Happy New Year

I've been hanging out in Durban for Christmas break for the past week or so, and its been really fun. We started out at a backpackers that was not at all far from the beach -- only 5 minutes -- so of course first thing in the morning we all grabbed our suits and towels and quite literally sprinted for the ocean. And just as naturally I instantaneously got a vicious sunburn that decided to haunt me for the rest of vacation and severely cut down on my beach-going time. But just having the ocean nearby, having that familiar smell in the air, watching enormous tanker ships navigate into port, seeing the waves and the vastness of the gray Indian Ocean blend up into the horizon -- its been like visiting a little bit of home. Not to mention the fact that we found a Mexican restaurant just up the street from where we're staying. You can NOT find Mexican food in South Africa, its just impossible. There's some Portugese from time to time, but its not even remotely the same (despite the occasional viciously deceptive name like "Amigos." How can you call a restaurant something like 'amigos' and then not sell tacos? Its just wrong.) But we found Taco Zulu, which was amazing, and large groups of PCVs have been invading it lunch and dinner (and possibly breakfast) for the last 10 days.

All in all its been a good Christmas and an excellent New Year's as well -- a nice way to bring in 2007 -- but I'll be happy to get back to my village. School starts on the 8th and I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and actually get to work -- my observation time is over and I am itching to actually do something. Wish me luck.

Shortly I should have a power cord for my computer again, so I'll be able to type these in advance and go back to more and better updates.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2007, its been a good Summer break.


Anonymous said...

Becca, This is your cousin Debbie. It sounds amazing there. I am so proud and jealous of you right now.

Anonymous said...

Becca...apparently I needed more postage. oops. You will have to enjoy my gift late.

Anonymous said...

Becca, this is Kelsey! I love reading your blog...anyway, I was wondering, I have three weeks off starting on March 27th; may I come visit you?