Sunday, October 08, 2006

Alive and back!!

So on September 21st, I officially became a real live PCV here in South Africa, and with that the hard work apparently really starts. (Because apparently learning an entirely new language, culture, and system of education wasn't tricky enough). I have been living at my new site for two weeks now, and I love it. I'm in a very small town practically on the border of Mozambique and, even better, practically on the border of Kruger National Park! I've already been to both (okay, to the border of both) and in Kruger I got the chance to see crocodiles, hippos, wildebeest, and rhinos. Which was awesome. I also spent about a week suffering fron tick-bite fever, which was slightly less awesome but -- oh well. At least I got to be the very first member of our group to get a real live South African disease! So go me. I actually wrote up a very nice, long post on my computer at home, but then forgot to put it on my flash drive and bring here. So for the moment you all get the short one in which I summarize all of the things I can think of off the top of my head.

And before I forget, my brand new address is:

Rebecca Miller (/Nomvula Sambo, if you're feeling clever)
Box 62
South Africa.

Be sure to write airmail on the envelope or it may take the better part of 4 months to reach me. Which would be sort of lame. And be sure to write me! Letters make a day better like nothing else.

I currently have access to my email whenever I want it via my cellphone, so if anybody wants to reach me that is an excellent way to do it. I have to respond using the phones keypad, so you may not get a long answer back, but I promise that I have seen it! (and if you want my cell number, give my parents a call -- they have it).

Next week I will post the longer entry that I wrote up, and maybe some pictures as well. But for the moment rest assured that I am happy, all of my fellow PCVs are some of the most amazing people and best friends I have ever met, and -- yes, people eat cow intestines and chicken feet. Occasionally on the same day. Thank god for multivitamins and peanut butter.

Hooray South Africa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BECCA!!! I just read your post as I was taping up your and Joe's care packages. Oh the irony!!!

P.S. What email address are you using??
