Monday, June 26, 2006

"South Africa is currently experiencing one of the most severe HIV epidemics in the world. By the end of 2005, there were five and a half million people living with HIV in South Africa, and almost 1,000 AIDS deaths occurring every day, according to UNAIDS estimates.1 A survey published in 2004 found that South Africans spent more time at funerals than they did having their hair cut, shopping or having barbecues. It also found that more than twice as many people had been to a funeral in the past month than had been to a wedding"

Thats staggering. 20% of the population in South Africa has HIV/AIDS, thats 1 in 5. There are 15 million AIDS orphans. And part of what I'm supposed to do is "HIV/AIDS education". I'm supposed to help with that somehow. Me, some comp lit major from California with a handful of planned parenthood info pamphlets and a few condoms. I'm starting to feel a little nervous.

I remember talking to Ryan once about all the horribly, frustatingly, irritatingly wrong things that there are in this world. Its like trying to pull a 10,000 car freight train uphill with a piece of dental floss. But its better than not pulling, isn't it?

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